JavaScript 30 Portfolio

These are my solutions to the JavaScript 30 exercises. Thanks to Wes Bos for creating the course!

I blogged during the process on Medium.

JavaScript Drum Kit

CSS + JS Clock

Dynamically changing CSS Variables

Working with Arrays: Part 1

Flex Panel Image Gallery

Look Ahead Search Results

Working with Arrays: Part 2

Drawing in HTML Canvas

Tips for the Dev Tools Console

Selecting Multiples with the Shift Key

Custom Video Player

Check keystrokes for secrets

Slide in on Scroll

References vs. Copy

Using localStorage and event delegation

Text shadow effect on mouse movement

Sorting a list selectively using Regex

Calculating Total Time from a List

Webcam filters fun

Using the Speech Recognition API

Accessing User Geolocation

Cool Hover Transition Effect

Using the Speech Synthesis API

Sticky Nav on Scroll

Event Capture ins and outs

Follow along hover nav

Click-and-Drag Scroll Effect

Video Playback Speed Adjustment Slider

Countdown Timer
